october 03, 2022

Drawing Challenges on Drawing Desk to Test Your Skills!

Drawing Challenges

If you're looking to test your skills and creativity, then our regular drawing challenges on Drawing Desk are just for you! Our art challenges are designed to encourage you to think outside the box, a useful trait for any digital artist...

And they also give you the chance to win awesome prizes! Because we love rewarding you for your creative efforts!

So here's all you need to know about our challenges...


About the Drawing Challenges

Every one of our drawing challenges on Drawing Desk works the same...

All you have to do is recreate the art template provided, in the most innovative way possible!

You can make use of the tutorial video provided to guide you through your drawing. But the rest is up to you!

You can create your own themed version of our template, add in your own creative details and play around with the colors of your choice!

Then, once the duration of the art challenge ends, you could be one of 3 winners selected for producing the best submissions!

This will be decided by considering,

  • How creative and unique your rendition is, and
  • Your use of colors, patterns, and shading within your art

Moreover, you'll receive a prize of your choosing between an Amazon gift card or a very cool Adonit Pro 4 Stylus!

And of course, as a winner you'll have your creation featured on our socials for extended Drawing Desk family to admire!

So far, we've had 19 successful art challenges. These include the '4th of July' challenge, the 'Rocket Ship' challenge, our very first NFT challenge and more!

But, if you've missed out on our past challenges, you needn't worry! There's always a challenge round the corner that you can be part of!


How You Can Participate

irst, you'll need to create/sign in to your free Drawing Desk account to take part.

Then, to enter a challenge,

  1. Click on the Challenges icon (the golden trophy icon) at the top right corner of the Drawing Desk homepage
  2. Find the current active drawing challenge at the top of the page, and click 'Start'
  3. To join, click 'Enter Challenge'
  4. Follow the drawing tutorial given and begin creating your best artwork!

To send in your submission,

  1. Click on the √ icon at the top right corner
  2. Then, click 'Submit to Challenge'

Also, note that you can leave your challenge artwork and come back to it later. To leave your artwork, simply click on the arrow icon on the top left corner.

You can always retrieve your saved challenge artwork,

  1. On the app's homepage, click on the 'My Artworks' folder icon on the top right corner
  2. Click on the 'Challenges' folder
  3. Find your challenge artwork and click it to continue working on it

Once the drawing challenge is complete, you'll be notified if you've been selected as a winner. You can then choose the prize you wish to receive!


We at Drawing Desk are constantly looking for ways to help you improve your skills and grow as an artist.

And with our drawing challenges on Drawing Desk, you now have the chance to test your skills and gain more creative practice regularly!

But in the end, whether or not you become a winner, what matters is that you give it your best shot! Because with every new art challenge comes a chance for you to create something new and exciting!